I Like Mike
for U.S. Senate


"As long as we have government.. it is our civic duty to remain vigilant and watchful to prevent corruption within that government."
                            -- Michael Idrogo, 2002

"We need new vigilance!  For example, corruption in a local government in Texas has let contractors walk away with millions of dollars for doing no contract work.. while that same 'government' places ordinary people in jail because those people can't afford to pay their parking tickets!  The insiders are getting away with anything they want while all the burden; and more and more of that burden, is being placed on the little taxpayers!  If we make ourselves vigilant, we can always find corruption in local, State government, and federal government!  Send me to Washington, and then WE will make it a governmental priority to weed out corruption and loss of your hard-earned tax dollars!"

-- Michael Idrogo

Fiorello LaGuardia

LaGuardia, Fiorello Henry, 1882-1947, mayor of NEW YORK CITY (1934-45); b. N.Y.C.   A progressive reformer;  he was a U.S. congressman (1917-19, 1923-33) and was elected mayor (1933) on the Fusion ticket.  Known as "the Little Flower" (from his first name), he achieved numerous municipal reforms.  His courage and energy gave him a national reputation.  LaGuardia and others fought and wiped out the "Tammany Hall" corrupt political machinery in New York. The "Tammany Hall" corrupt political machinery was linked to criminal activities. LaGuardia himself ushered in success with many governmental and legislative reforms both as Mayor of New York City, and as U.S. Congressman.

Time Marches On   video clip from 1938.
For voter education only.

Local corrupt political machine in San Antonio
under Federal Investigation!!!


SAN ANTONIO, TX -- Two years ago this month, allegations surfaced of a foul-smelling deal at City Hall and the San Antonio Housing Authority. These were not typical snide rumors by bidders who didn't get city contracts. These were specific allegations by lawyers for and officials of the San Antonio Housing Authority.

Under the alleged deal, $80,000 in federal Community Development Block Grant funds would be given by The City (officials) to the Housing Authority for a housing project. In turn, the Housing Authority would forgive a loan for the same amount owed to the Housing Authority by a company called Mayfield Equities in connection with a separate housing project. Mayfield Equitites' majority owner was the mother of Frank Reed, one of the best-connected and most annonymous of City Hall players. Reed is the local representative for a Dallas company that holds a lucrative contract to provide financial analysis and advice for the city's bond issues. His family also has held contracts with the city for franchises at the airportand elsewhere.

When the allegations surfaced, city officials announced an investigation. Drew Cameron, director of the city department that handles Community Development Block Grant funds, was suspended with pay. Allegations were that Cameron had proposed the deal. The city's investigation was short lived. Because federal funds were involved, the Police Department turned the matter over to federal authorities. After a couple of months, Cameron was reinstated. He has maintained his innocence, but says his lawyer has strongly advised him not to comment in detail. Reed also says he is innocent of any wrongdoing. Meanwhile, the U.S. Attorney's Office began a probe. Former City Councilman Henry Avila, in whose district at least one of the housing projects was located, was called before a Federal Grand Jury.

FBI agents interviewed numerous witnesses.

The investigation appears to have branched out widely into a variety of housing programs. Sources say authorities are investigating whether CERTAIN ELECTED OFFICIALS engaged in corrupt activities.

In charge of the probe is the husband and wife team, Ray and LeRoy Jahn. To call them veteran federal prosecutors is to understate their resumes.

They won the conviction of (actor Woody Harrel son's dad) Charles Harrelson for murdering U.S. District Judge John Wood Jr. in San Antonio.

There were the lead prosecutors of the survivors of the Branch Davidian siege, case in San Antonio.

Working for independent counsel Kenneth Starr (of San Antonio), Ray Jahn deposed President Clinton, and both Jahns won convictions of Susan and James McDougal. Having such heavyweights running the investigation is encouraging. Rumors have long flourished of corruption in low-income housing programs in San Antonio.

The fact that the investigation is still very much under way after two years suggests that either the smoke is very thick or they've discovered fire.

But federal investigations are notoriously time-consuming. For example, the investigation of former U.S. Rep. Albert Bustamante took about three years before he was indicted.

Meanwhile, Cameron and Reed and all of City Hall remain under something of a cloud. City officials say they can't do their own investigation because they don't want to interfere with the federal case. Besides, the feds took all the related files from City Hall.

For voter education only.