Enron Money in Texas, etc..

Lobbying Expenditures

Enron’s Lobbying Expenditures, 1997-2001*

Calendar Year

Lobby Total











*Based on filings with the U.S. Senate. The 2001 total includes lobbying expenditures reported by Enron between January and June 2001. The final report of the year is not yet available.

Political Giving in Texas

Enron has been a prolific financial supporter of George W. Bush’s political career, beginning first with Bush’s successful bid for Texas governor in 1994. Texans for Public Justice, an Austin-based non-profit research group, found in a January 2000 study that Enron was the biggest corporate supporter of Bush’s 1994 and 1998 gubernatorial campaigns in Texas, with its employees contributing more than $312,000 during the two races. Of that total, Enron chief Kenneth Lay contributed $100,000, making him one of the most generous individual contributors to Bush on the state level.

National Conventions

Enron has been a major supporter of the last three Republican National Conventions. In 1992, when the event was held in Houston (where the company is based), Enron chief Kenneth Lay served as chairman of the convention’s organizing committee, in charge of fund-raising and logistics. According to press reports, Enron contributed at least $250,000 to the event. Four years later, Enron gave at least $500,000 to the San Diego host committee, according to the Republican National Committee. In 2000, Enron donated $250,000 to the Philadelphia convention committee. However, none of the totals include the virtually undisclosed amounts of money Enron spent on parties and receptions at the conventions. For example, Enron in 2000 helped to throw a lavish luncheon in honor of then-vice-presidential candidate Dick Cheney. And while the company didn’t contribute directly to any of the last three Democratic National Conventions, Enron did throw parties for some of its closest friends there. At the 2000 Democratic Convention in Los Angeles, Enron sponsored fetes for Sen. John Breaux (D-La.) and Texas Democrats and was a major backer of several events sponsored by the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee.

Corporate Jets

On top of its political contributions, Enron also made its company jet readily available to the Bush-Cheney campaign during the 1999-2000 election.